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Monthly Archives: March 2011


like they teach in class – Stones There’s a great article in the current (March 28) issue of The New Yorker on the Barry Bonds trial, which is finally getting underway in San Francisco. It’s neither hit piece nor glowing defense, but subtly points to the absurdity of the time, breath, and millions of taxpayer […]

Celluloid Heroes

You see that I’ll be walking out again – Jimmy Cliff While doing some light reading on Freud this weekend (a recession-based compromise for actual therapy) I became convinced that my super-ego has been hijacked by one that’s merely okay. As potentially challenging as this sounds, it’s also rendered me with an over-developed id by […]

This American Life

Prop comic Gallagher collapsed on stage in a coronary-like incident at the Whiskey Bone Roadhouse in Minnesota last night. I’m completely up on this news item but have only a cursory grasp of the details of the 8.9 earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan. The 64 year-old comedian complained of pain in his left arm […]

Hope You Guess My Name

Although we’re of the same generation, I’m not a huge Charlie Sheen fan and he’s only ever occupied a small space on the periphery of my consciousness. I saw Wall Street and Platoon, have never caught a full episode of his television show, and my awareness of the guy prior to the last few weeks […]